Saturday, May 27, 2006

Heather & Damian's Wedding

Heather & Damian's wedding day was eagerly anticipated by Jenni and myself. We'd gotten to know Heather well over the past several months via phone calls and emails. The first time we met her we knew without a doubt that we wanted to be her photographers. It's amazing how things worked out to bring all of us to this day. (Click the picture to the left to see a larger version).

Preparations began at the incredibly lovely home of her friend, Cindy, who kindly took care of every detail and need for Heather and the rest of us there. The relaxed and spacious atmosphere was perfect, and Heather was able to take her time getting ready. As her mother and sister helped her put on her elegant gown, we could feel the charge of excitement in the air as they buttoned up the back. Flowers on the Porch provided her gorgeous flowers.

The church was a short trip down the road, making it easy for everyone to arrive and breathe a bit before the ceremony, which was conducted by Heather's uncle. As Damian and his groomsmen marched towards the altar, we saw the smiles of parents and grandparents in the front rows, all incredibly happy for the couple.

Immediately following the ceremony, we were delighted to meet Heather and Damian in the garden area of the incredible Round Hill House. This was particularly exciting for us because they had designated a full hour of private time to spend with us to create some beautifully exciting and romantic portraits. After only a few minutes, it was as if we were watching them fall in love all over again. There was such amazing chemistry between the two. (THANK YOU, Heather & Damian, for making room for such valuable time to photograph you. When you see the amazing pictures, we know you'll be just as thrilled as we are!!!). If you'd like to see a small teaser of some of the day's photos, click this link to see a brief preview slideshow (PC only).

When we finished their private photo session, we joined the rest of the family for photos, and then it was time for the rest of the cocktail hour and introduction of the wedding party. Damian led Heather in a wonderfully performed ballroom dance. The crowd went wild as Damian dipped Heather for a spectacular finale. Dinner followed immediately afterwards, and all were able to enjoy the expert services of the staff at Round Hill (thank you, Heather & Damian, for the excellent dinner!). Although Heather is an event planner, we were so glad to see her simply be a bride on her wedding day so she could enjoy every minute of it with her fun-loving groom.

Keep your eyes on our main website, where you'll soon be able to see the complete online gallery in the "Client Proofs" section. Once Heather and Damian have had the opportunity to see their photos first, the gallery will be opened for everyone to see.


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