Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jan & Greg's Engagement

Jan and Greg were just perfect together for their engagement photo shoot. We met at a beautiful park on a gorgeous day that made for conditions perfect for spending some alone time together. To our surprise, there was also a car show at the same location. So after shooting with them in the woods for a while, we decided to take a stroll to see some old classic cars (Greg is a car buff), and we even got to take some pictures next to some incredible rides.

As Jan and Greg walked together by the lake, we couldn't help but feel privileged to have such an important role for their upcoming wedding. Traveling from Connecticut to meet us, they're a beautiful couple with true appreciation for photography. And we're so glad they planned their day so they could have a good time with us. Jan is a gorgeous natural in front of the camera, and we think Greg probably surprised himself by staying so close to Jan and holding her tight. That's what we love to see. :-)

Their online gallery will be available soon at our main website in the "Client Proofs" area, so stay tuned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ulysses & Jenni- We just received the pictures and we LOVE them. While going through them Greg and I kept getting exciting trying to decide which one we liked the best, well let’s just say we can't decide there are about 10 that are our FAVORITE favorites, but so many that we truly love. I kept laughing out loud as we looked through them, because like we knew you would you captured the EXACT emotion of that day.....and it was a great day. We are so excited about the wedding, but even more about choosing you and Jenni to be part of our day. Your artistic ability is unbelievable.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Ulysses said...

Jan & Greg, we were completely jazzed to hear about your excitement over the pictures. We're glad to have created *this* sort of problem (where it's tough to decide on your favorites!). It really was a great session, and we appreciate your coming all the way out and spending that time with us. :)

And thanks for the kudos, too! We got such a charge out of reading of your reactions to the pictures. :)

12:46 AM  

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