Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Roseanne & Jeff's Wedding (UPDATED)

Roseanne must have been the bubbliest bride of May! And with her close friend, Denise, keeping everyone's champagne glass filled with the bubbly, it was entirely appropriate. We absolutely adored Roseanne's preparations. She and her two bridesmaids were as giddy as school girls and so much fun.

We arrived at the Old Stone Church, which was set atop a high hill overlooking an intensely green valley, and we found their family members waiting for the arrival of the bride. You could tell that everyone there was so excited for Roseanne and Jeff. It was as if it was the only wedding in the world on that day. As we thought about the day that we shared with them, we could not help but feel incredible happiness for them.

We spent some private time with Roseanne and Jeff for a romantic photo session, and created some stunning images for them. If you'd like to see a preview, click this link for a brief slideshow (PC only).

Following this session, we headed out to The Eagle's Nest, a venue with yet another beautifully scenic valley view. We always enjoy working with the staff there, and the dinners are superb (thank you Roseanne and Jeff for your kindness in this regard). We found a few more pockets of time to shoot some fun pictures of the happy couple, and then it was party time. The musical entertainment was provided by fun-loving DJ Erick Santana of "Right On Cue Productions". Roseanne's beautiful flowers were provided by Flowers By David Anthony.

The complete gallery of images will be available upon their return from the honeymoon. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the day or their photos, so post your comment to this blog!

UPDATE: The incredible responses to this wedding have truly touched us. We appreciate both the emails as well as the comments that you've left on the blog. So by popular demand, we're going to tease you with ONE MORE image from Roseanne & Jeff's private photo session. We hope you enjoy viewing it as much as we did shooting it! (and remember, you can click the image to see it larger).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Ulysses and Jenni..you were incredible to work with. Everyone commented on how professional you both were. You are quite welcome for the dinner..the food was fabulous.
If anyone wants to see where we are honeymooning, you can go to website thecrane.com it is a resort hotel in Barbados and we are having an incredible time!!! WE can't wait to see the pics.
Hugs, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Northrip!!!!!

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ulysses and Jenni,
You are ARTISTS! I've watched the "tease" slideshow 57 times so far, and can't wait to see the rest. From sipping champagne at Denise's to the end of the party, you were professional AND fun...a fantastic combination!
Oh....I think I hear Roseanne and Jeff home now....post more photos!!

10:03 PM  
Blogger Ulysses said...

Thanks so much for the very kind words. We had a blast with everyone! And so we've posted just *one* more for your enjoyment. :-)

Shhhhhhh... Don't tell Roseanne & Jeff!!! We've got to leave some for THEM to see for the first time. :-D

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah...we saw it! It's okay...I know they are dying to see. We are having a grand time on our honeymoon...Barbados is gorgeous. If you want, you can look at the website
thecrane.com It is spectacular!
Roseanne and Jeff

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the veil shot! The romantic photos gave me goosebumps. Wait....Roseanne is on the phone. She wants me to tell you to post ALL the photos. :-D

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait...No more! We can't access the slide show from the hotel (damn rules!!!) The two we have seen are awesome, we can't wait to see the rest.
Roseanne and Jeff

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, The pictures are so beautiful, actually it must have been the bride that made them so stunning. In every pic you can tell how happy Jeff and Roseanne are, almost made me cry. Much love, Laura B.

9:33 PM  
Blogger Ulysses said...

Let the tears flow, Laura... just let 'em out. Don't hold back! :)

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great slide show! I just finished watching all of the photos. I had to stop about five or six times to stop sniffling! Ulysses and Jenni - you work so well together! You got beautiful shots, but never intruded on the moments. Glad you got the rainbows. Loved the romantic shots, too.
I am so glad to have a new sister! (You can never have too many.)

3:20 PM  
Blogger Ulysses said...

Hi there, Jenn. I'm so sorry you haven't seen the gallery! You must have overlooked it.
1. Go to the main website at www.ulyssesphotography.com
2. Slide out the menu on the right.
3. Click on "Client Proofs"
4. You will see an alphabetical listing of galleries. Roseanne and Jeff's gallery is right there in the listing. The gallery has been available since 5/29/06. ;-)

Hope you find them and enjoy them. If you still have trouble, do not hesitate to contact us either via this blog or by email or phone. We want to ensure all of Roseanne & Jeff's family and friends get a chance to see them.

12:07 AM  

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