Friday, May 12, 2006

Maureen and Andy's Engagement

After we'd completed the engagement session with this lovely couple, Jenni and I looked at one another and each said, "I love what I do!"

Maureen and Andy are incredibly easy-going people whom we immediately liked from the first moment we met them. We first got acquainted by phone several months ago, and Jenni and I knew right away how important photography would be to them. We could tell that Maureen has a love and an eye for the arts. She and Andy also share a love for music. All of those common interests are probably what drew our personalities together even before we knew much about one another. We feel this is an important part of what helps couples feel at ease with one another — when they can trust one another and mesh well for capturing pictures such an important event.

Maureen and Andy took a day off from school and from work, and they came quite a distance to spend this afternoon with us. They did a beautiful job during their photo session. Keeping them close together helped them both find a comfortable "place" for this first-time photo session. If they hadn't had a train to catch for home, we would probably still be snapping away right now. :-)

We're truly looking forward to their wedding in the Catskill Mountains area of NY.

Their online gallery is available right now in the "Client Proofs" section of our main website! We hope you enjoy them. Please feel free to leave a comment for them or for us by clicking on the "Comment" link below. We love to hear your thoughts.


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