Saturday, April 22, 2006

Evelyn and Michael's Engagement

Evelyn and Michael are the sweetest couple you could ever meet. Even though they've been extremely busy with school and work, they've been working hard to get ready for what promises to be a beautiful September wedding. To show just how much they value pictures, they took the time to come all the way from Chicago to New York to meet us for their engagement session. We were thrilled to see them again and took the chance to spend a little extra time with them.

Both Evelyn and Michael are very gentle souls, and they showed complete trust in us even though Jenni and I are sure they must have at times been wondering what it was we saw through our lenses and no doubt wondered how the pictures would turn out. There was a lot of fun, a lot of romance, and plenty of memorable moments as we spent time walking through a beautiful park during the late afternoon. As we said our goodbye's, Evelyn said with anticipation, "I can't wait to see the pictures." She visits our blog regularly, and so we can't wait for her to see them either!

For now, enjoy the image posted here on the blog (click to see a larger version). In the meantime, we'll be working to get their gallery online as soon as possible. You'll find it in the "Client Proofs" area of our main website.


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