Saturday, March 18, 2006

Mary Ann and Benjeil's Engagement

Mary Ann and Benjeil share an abiding love for one another and for people. I think that's the quality that drew us to them, and which also set the tone for our engagement session with them. Mary Ann's bright and infectious smile and Benjeil's quiet intensity provided us with ample opportunity to create some beautiful images for them. They were so easy-going, having made the effort to travel quite a distance to spend valuable time with us for this session. We really appreciated this, and their efforts paid off well. They patiently endured the cold and wind with us. When we needed to find shelter in an iron-gated foyer, we took advantage of the interesting light for an emotive fashion session. It was not at all a problem for them to get closer to one another! Their upcoming wedding is going to include some culturally unique and joyous elements that we can't wait to see.

Their online gallery will soon be available in the "Client Proofs" area of our main website. Until then, enjoy the picture above (click for a larger version).


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