Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Michelle & Rob's Engagement

When we saw that the weather report called for not only rain, but even thunderstorms, Jenni and I thought: "Great!!" And I don't mean the sarcastic type of "great"... but the excited can't-wait to get out there sort of "great". Alas, the weather actually cleared up for Michelle & Rob's engagement session and we joked with them about how much we were looking forward to getting them soaked! ;-)

But rain or shine, we had a really really fun time with these guys. They'd travelled all the way from Boston, and we were so grateful that they chose to spend a good amount of time with us so we could get to know them better, talk about their incredible wedding plans, and most importantly to spend some time shooting. As we walked around, Rob wondered to himself whether it seemed conceited to say, "We're busy today walking around with our two photographers." And I have to say... while it's not conceited, it is DEFINITELY something special, something different. On this day, we were THEIR photographers, and we wanted to make it memorable for them. We had lots of laughs, lots of fun, and there was plenty of romance in the air, too. They had no problem at all staying close and allowing their love to show for the camera. We can't wait for their wedding in Saratoga Springs. They're going to make sure to give us time so that together we can produce incredible pictures. :-)

Their online gallery of engagement photos will be released within a day or so; keep checking our main website to find them in the "Client Proofs" section.


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